Our Plan
We have ran out of time, however we have a plan to encourage others in the community to support bees. As a class
we have decided to make bee hotels. We are going to work in groups and design our own bee hotel and then build it. Our teacher learnt how to make one and has brought in pictures to show us ideas.
We are then going to teach our buddies who are in kindergarten about the hives we have made and why we made them. We think the younger people learn about bees and how we can help them the better. We will get our buddies to help us find a good spot in our school to place our bee hives so they will be able to look after it when we leave school next year.
We could also take photos of our bee hotels and put them in the school newsletter and write an article about why we designed them and how these hives can help our bee population. This means a lot of the parents will see this and might learn something, we could even add a link where you can get good information about where you can get ideas on how to make your own bee hotel.

We will be able to know if our plan has worked by monitoring our hives like we did when we observed pollinators in our garden. We could graph it also like we did and see if the bee hotels are causing an increase in bees. We could also create a survey monkey quiz and ask students to take it to see if they learnt anything about bees through our newsletter reports and class visits.