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We once grew food without chemicals.
We never grew food without bees.

The bee is sucking nectar from the stigma while getting pollen out onto a plant. This is called pollinating. Bees are the most effective pollinators out of bats, butterflies and dragonflies. It is going back to the hive to make the honey. When the bee makes the honey it spits it out from a tube on its mouth.
By Zoe, Tamoko and Joshua

This is a picture of a beautiful white flower. The flower provides nectar for the bee to take back to their hive and turn it into honey. Pollination is when a bee is on a flower and get's covered in pollen, then it flies to another flower and shakes the pollen off. This pollen then helps make a seed for a new flower to grow.
By Jade, David and Layla

The bee in this picture is pollinating and sucking the nectar out of the flower around the bee. Other bees will be doing something similar. The bee is covered in sticky pollen and when it flies away it will sprinkle pollen all over the other essential and unessential plants thus growing them.
By Edgar, Karri and Archie

In this picture there is a watermelon and yellow flowers. All of those flowers and melons would have been pollinated by bees. Bees like to collect the nectar inside the flowers and as they are collecting it, they get covered in pollen. Bees then fly to another flower and the pollen that has stuck to their furry bodies brushes off and pollinates the flower. Bees aren't the only pollinators out there, others include birds, spiders, insects and wind can help too. However bees are the best!
By Ella, Ruby, Massimo and Eric

The flower in this picture has bee pollinated by a bee from the stamen to the stigma. After a few weeks the flower will turn into a tomato from the seed the pollen made. We can see this happening in the bottom left of this picture. Without bees we wouldn't have fruit or vegetables, we wouldn't have any of the things we have today.
By Tana, Ben, Reyna and Anna

In this image you see vegetables that are fully grown and bright orange and yellow flowers that have been pollinated by bees. These flowers are now helping the pollinating process they attract the bees with the bright colours and smells and this means more bees come. With out bees there would be no food which means we would not survive.
By Tom, Lawrance, and Charli - Rose

Crunch, crunch, crunch, it's the sound of someone biting into a juicy ripe apple. Have you ever bitten into an apple? Well actually all the fruit we have come from pollinators...mostly bees! This fruit grows after bees pollinate it, pollen spreads from flower to flower making them able to produce fruit, vegetables and flowers!
By Aswathy, Tahna, Eddy
How do you think these pictures are linked?
nectar pollen
The following pictures connect to what we already know about bees, pollination and food because they outline the process of pollintating. As the bees and all the other pollinators rely on the flowers for food. The flowers use pollinators to multiply and the flowers growing into food which provides us with stock like vegetables and fruit.
By Sam, Keana and Tasha
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